Just received a signed copy of John McCain's book "Faith of my Fathers." It's a great read and I recommend that every American, independent, republican, and democrat should read it much like every American should read Barack's book "The Audacity of Hope" that I very much enjoyed. Casting a vote is a civic responsibility of every American and learning about a Presidential Candidate is essential before casting a vote.
Over the course of the primary season, I have come to despise the divisiveness, sensationalism, and utter disregard for the consequences of the fast and loose statements by the "talking heads" on channels like Fox News, CNN, ABC and MSNBC. Thanks to the internet, Americans have now become more independent minded and not as subjected to the hypnotic effects of the mainstream media. Eventually, the media moguls will lack any significant power over moving the masses by spinning and slanting the news to meet their own agendas.
Next week, I am off to London with Mikaeel. This will be my first trip with him without the whole kid and kaboodle. It is a sign that Zehra has faith in my abilities to independently manage Mikaeel or in Mikaeel's ability to independently manage himself. Regardless, it should be fun. On the Agenda:
1) London Eye
2) Madame Tussaudes
3) London Dungeon
4) Hamley's and Harrods
5) Westminister Abbey
6) Buckingham Palace
7) Tower of London
Not sure how we're going to squeeze all this in 4 days - but we'll try. The Museums will have to wait.