Monday was rest and recovery day. Caught up on emails and calls. Met with friends later that evening.
Tuesday was Reading Office review day - what a pathetic business decision. Past management had no idea on how to control costs and run an efficient and effective business. Well, that is rectified now. It is a simple cost-benefit analysis that my 9 year-old can understand, but somehow grown seemingly mature executives ignore or can't comprehend.

Wednesday, August 29, we reviewed our status with BT in London. It is always great to engage customers that have invested heavily in your technology. Providing direct, verifiable information is again a simple enough task, yet past management failed to deliver on such simple tasks. It's thrilling and humbling to meet customers that rely on your product for their core corporate strategy. It puts tremendous responsibility on products and companies that large enterprises have made such heavy bets on. It is this sense of responsibility that keeps one grounded in the most challenging of times.
Rizwan and I departed for Italy late that day on Alitalia. To Rizwan's shock, I chose to eat London style, Chicken Tikka Masala at Heathow. I did follow up with a half dozen Altoid chasers. Whether that helped or not, I will never find out. The passengers next to me didn't seem to frown or hold their noses.
Arrived in Rome, Italy at 11:30 pm