Saturday, November 24, 2007

Mikaeel gets his Green Belt

A trip down memory lane with the Yunus Clan

Here are some pictures that I dug out from my backup storage.

Mikaeel at 9 months chilling out in Hawaii.
Who's that stranger holding my son - oh wait that's Zehra.

Zehra on a 4 legged animal - I think it's a horse. We were on a day-long horseback hike in Hawaii and Zehra's horse decided he wanted to just hang out. She was always at last one in the pack which gave me a good opportunity to get this picture of here and her horsy.Mika at 1 hanging out with Daddy. This is where Michael Jackson got his idea.

The two Yunus Studs chilling at Boston Commons.

Mika on his 1st Birthday with his Grandma. Now his second sister carries his Grandma's name Salina as her middle name. (Summer 1999).

Mika at 4, Emaan at 9 months (Summer 2002).
Emaan smiling for Dad (Summer 2002)
Mika at 4 (Summer 2002)

Baba under the tree shade (2002)
Mika's 5th birthday (Summer 2003).

Mika, Minah and Emaan
Winter 2004: Baba, Tony Chacha and Juni Chacha.
Winter 2004. The last time I saw Ilyas Mamu and Mumani Jan. May God bless them.
Winter 2004. Morji with her younglings.

Resurrection - Amsterdam Style

Here's a classic video from a trip to Amsterdam in late 2001. It is about this time of the year that "the boys" would be planning a trip to "Amstergame" - as we fondly called one of our favorite cities. Now, Prague has taken over from Amsterdam.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Lilly Salina Yunus gives Dad the Victory Sign

Lilly Salina Yunus, born at 1:28 pm, November 8, 2007 on the 14th Floor of Mass General Hospital, Boston. She knows how to please a crowd. Very quickly she gave Dad a solid vote of confidence and showed him a Victory Sign. I know it means something else in the UK, but in the US it is the victory sign. Regardless, she has attitude.

Mikaeel decided to wear his "fancy" clothes to school today since he wanted to advertise and celebrate the arrival of Baby Lilly. Emaan was excited to see Lilly's pictures and tomorrow she will get to meet her baby sister for the first time.

More pictures to come ...